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    erika seasoltz


    "In a world overrun by contemporary fantasy entertainment, this book is truly something new."

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    C. Reeves

    Amazon reviewer

    "Unlike most YA books on the market, this one has people of color, and they are written well, without any trope-driven coding or stereotypes."

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    Anonymous reviewer

    "I typically don't enjoy fantasy...however, this is written in such a convincing way that I had time...before the fantasy fully kicked in. Once it did, I was already hooked..."

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    Linda Martin

    arc reviewer

    I was lucky enough to get an arc of this book to review. It is my first book from this author that I’ve read. When I started this book it was about a girl who has some bad experiences in her life. But the more I read it was so much more than that. It is a fantasy novel that reveals there is more to Noni’s life than she ever anticipated. The people she meets along the way showed her things she never knew. As I got further along in the novel, I was so intrigued and curious at the same time. The characters drew you so much that you were waiting on everything conversation they had. Each scene was so descriptive that you felt like you were in it. I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.

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    Aoife greene

    arc reviewer

    A really wonderfully written and executed modern fantasy. The twists, storytelling and world building are amazingly done for a book that's less than 300 pages.

    Noni, an 18-year-old girl living in Ohio, wakes up from a coma after being in a car crash. Her saviour Alex seems to keep popping up and helping to keep her alive. After one too many encounters, Alex reveals the thing that Noni never knew but as well felt: there was something different about her. With unimaginable power within, Noni needs to learn to control it and harness the power to her full potential. What she wasn't expecting, was all the half-truths and darkness that would follow.

    I really enjoyed this story (if you can't tell from it being only one of my few 5* reads). Anglen does a wonderful job of having deep, interesting characters all with separate personalities. While the story follows Noni in third person, you get a full read on each person and their motivations. The side characters - aunt Deirdre, cousin Bee, Terrell, Eli, Ileana - are diverse and thought through. It doesn't feel as if any of them are filler characters, there to further Noni's plot and make her seem in one way or the other. While Terrell having a crush on her is obvious - and she having one back - it isn't a focus and their friendship shines through more than anything else. I am hoping the rest of the series isn't a thing with a love triangle!

    The friendships throughout are done very well. I think the family bond between Bianca and Noni helps to strengthen their existing adult friendship. They grew up together, basically sisters, yet they're different people. They appreciate their differences and accept their flaws, but always care about each other. The conflict between them - given Noni is hiding such a HUGE secret - really does come from love and missing each other. Bee wants more time with her cousin and misses the old ways. It's such a realistic thing to come up within a fantasy setting. Usually, there's some comment about people being distant but no repercussions. This was a lovely change of pace and really highlighted the realistic world-building Anglen was getting to.

    The language used throughout is phenomenal. The prose is perfect for the ages of the characters and the timeline the story is set in while the descriptions really do create an intense and vivid picture of the world. Anglen has a wonderful mastery of storytelling and I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy.

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    arc reviewer

    "The story hooked me from the beginning to end. Character development and the writing style of the author really impressed me. Ms. Anglen did a great job in this book. I enjoyed this one so much.

    This is an un-put-downable book for me, the flawless writing and the language, amazing. I'm not fan of high fantasy myself but this is a great book to get lost in another world. I'd recommend this book to everyone who loves Realism Fantasy."


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    arc reviewer

    This story mainly follows Noni who is a normal teenager with a disastrous past. However, things get interesting once she experiences a near death accident. From then on her new journey begins filled with adventure, mysterious people and you are placed in a position which questions your beliefs in ancient mythology.

    The plot initially doesn't reveal much, feels like a normal teenage girl with tantrums of her own. But as the story takes shape and many characters are introduced, plot widens, ancient history & magical aspects kick in. Its a treat to read. The language is easy and expressive. Many a times, without realizing I was Noni herself and was in her shoes and trying to understand what is happening around me. The story is crafted with utmost care and all aspects are very clear.

    Noni has a strong character point and yes, the main actress. She is surrounded by people of almost equal value. Some selective incidents are completely erased from her memory. It is strange. After meeting with that near death accident, her life takes a long turn. She encounters scary guys, fights mystical beings and all this drags her into unwanted attention by lot of people from different realms.... Alex is a strange, handsome young man who is Noni’s counterpart. Their friendship leads to lot of interesting actions and in-turn helps Noni in realizing who she really is. This journey is one of a kind and definitely has put a good foundation for book 2.

    Finally, This is a 5* read for me. Easygoing and truly enjoyable story. Everyone should read this book. I do not have any qualms on any aspect of this book. A great read.